Monday, November 13, 2017

In-Depth: Landscape

     This assignment is all about landscapes, so it could be any thing that we have explored in this topic. They wanted us to be more ambitious than before so the had specific criteria that we had to met. For 2D works we would have to make 6 pieces of a series, and that sounds pretty crazy so I picked to do the 3D assignment that must fit  24'' cubic volume. This would be the largest 3D piece I make.

      From the small works I made two 3D pieces with the exploration of clay, I liked how it was easily manipulated and could be given a great amount of details. In the small works 3D pieces, the clay allowed me to make forms that looked realistic and that is the goal I was trying to achieve in the In-Depth piece. 

      For this landscape inspired piece, I went with the idea of focusing on the smaller inhabitants of our landscapes. I focused the art piece on insects, I took creatures that are very minuscule to us and i scaled it up. I wanted the audience to really feel emerged into the piece, to get a bugs eye view. 

      The insects I included are 3 ants, 1 fly and 1 millipede. The insect's bodies are all made with grey self harding clay and once dried that were painted with acrylic paints. Some of the limbs (ant legs, antenna, and fly wings) are crafted from floral wire. For the wings of the fly, I first bent large wires to create the shape, I then got thinner wires to create the vain like structure, after I got the wire part done I then got kitchen plastic wrap and melted it over the wire to give it a see through skin look. The fiber board was painted black and then I covered it in natural top soil, reindeer moss and floral moss to give it a lively appearance.

      The lollipop was a way that I wanted to show scale in size with the bugs and a human made object. The stick of the lollipop is painted a PVC pipe, it was hollowed out and gave it a sort of manufactured lollipop feel. The actual lollipop is made of real candy, it is melted down jolly ranchers, so because of this it gives the sense of smell, taste and texture of a real lollipop. Before critique started I had the lollipop laying down, and I then found out that the 3D had to be 24'' in width, length and even height. My piece was way too short and it would not have made the cut, but the lollipop saved my piece, I sat it up and it was a full 30''. Not only did this work but Don even said that the piece benefits from the lollipop staying up.

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