Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Small Works #3- Calvino.


Invisible City—Identify four different materials that convey something about the mood or tone of the Calvino City you chose. Make an exploratory work with EACH of those four materials in which you attempt to use and emphasize the material qualities to present that mood or tone to a viewer.

"Clarice, the glorious city, has a tormented history. Several times it decayed,then burgeoned again, always keeping the first Clarice as an unparalleled model of every splendor, compared to which the city's present state can only cause more sighs at every fading of the stars..."


Rapid Fire Material Analysis:
    The materials that were used in these art pieces are, water color, marker, black indian ink, acrylic, tinfoil, dirt, moss, clay, glass, and other organic materials. The use of clay and organic materials is to demonstrate life, especially the kind of life that would drive from the city of Clarice, Mushrooms and insects tend to live off of the decomposing which is the dilemma that is happening to Clarice. The investigation of watercolors and indian ink are to convey the mood of the city through color by using many grey and black tones.

 Rapid Fire Formal Analysis:
    The pieces have a lot of organic forms and are then contrasted by straight lines and edges. There are organic forms with the large larva and mushrooms especially that they are made of clay which is an organic material. Then with the paintings they use a lot of grey tones and also some straight line work to show the industrial aspect.

Interpretation of Contextual Referent :
    The context of material and form bring about the sense of environment that is Clarice. Clarice was very decayed and home to infestation, along with a lot of debris and ruble lying around. The materials I used such as glass, tin foil, wood, dirt, and moss are all things that could all be possibly be found in a place like Clarice. 

An Understanding of Place Through Conveyance of Mood:
     As described before, Clarice is a desolate city of decay that is covered in debris and trash. All of the pieces were to represent the harsh times of Clarice, the use of Grays and black demonstrate the mood of a dystopian society, that it is dark and upsetting. With then the mushroom piece, that was to demonstrate the decay of the city, mushrooms are decomposers along with millipedes that I also included. From decay there is life, as there is moss shown which over time will grow to demonstrate the city's rebirth. The tin box is to demonstrate something eye catching and sort of pretty, but one you lift it up it shows a grub which to a lot of people that is disgusting. When Grubs are placed in dark places they begin to transform in to their final/adult stage which is magnificent. The use of the tin box was to show that process of transformation, Clarice was one a gross city but then over time it flourished.

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